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Social ramblings from those who speak loudest on the world wide web. User beware.

[SPOILER] Johnny Fisher vs. Dave Allen

21 December 2024 @ 8:49 pm

submitted by /u/inooway to r/Boxing [link] [comments]

Dustin Gorton, a student at Columbine High School, after he found out the shooters were his friends

21 December 2024 @ 7:48 pm

Dustin Gorton, a student at Columbine High School, after he found out the shooters were his friends submitted by /u/morbidblue to r/pics [link] [comments]

Countdown crowns first female champion in 26 years

21 December 2024 @ 7:46 pm

Countdown crowns first female champion in 26 years submitted by /u/Shiny-Tie-126 to r/CasualUK [link] [comments]

Read Blake Lively’s Complaint Against Wayfarer Studios

21 December 2024 @ 7:40 pm

Read Blake Lively’s Complaint Against Wayfarer Studios submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Fun47 to r/Fauxmoi [link] [comments]

Luigi flexing his jawline for the cameras

21 December 2024 @ 7:05 pm

Luigi flexing his jawline for the cameras submitted by /u/Bitter-Gur-4613 to r/Fauxmoi [link] [comments]

Which famous person/ person in the public eye do you hate for a petty or unclear reason?

21 December 2024 @ 6:59 pm

Mine is Stephen Mulhern because I loved him on TV growing up then I served him a pint of cider when he was in panto locally and he was incredibly rude. Ever since I just have a petty hatred inside me even though I completely appreciate he was likely tired and/ or drunk. submitted by /u/Illustrious-Log-3142 to r/AskUK [link] [comments]

EXCLUSIVE: Kemi Badenoch’s fans exchange homophobic WhatsApp messages - including one about Keir Starmer

21 December 2024 @ 6:12 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Kemi Badenoch’s fans exchange homophobic WhatsApp messages - including one about Keir Starmer submitted by /u/No_Breadfruit_4901 to r/unitedkingdom [link]

What are tiny things you've noticed since loved one passed away?

21 December 2024 @ 5:55 pm

These are things I never considered until I went through losing a loved one and they really stood out and surprised me that I even noticed these small little details. (We went from a 3 person household to a 2 person household) 1) in the cupboard where we store dinner plates, we have another glass plate the same size we always use to defrost meat before cooking, I noticed that as we always get 2 plates out for dinner now that plate always ends up in third position in cupboard rather than forth 2) she used to leave towel on rail behind bathroom door to dry after a shower, after she died and there was no longer a towel there the bathroom is very echoy. 3) I haven't had a Christmas present or birthday present that is a "surprise" since she would buy the gifts , now I buy my own gifts to be wrapped and he give me the money. He tries, but the surprise gifts last year was a handbag which is a thousand miles away from my sty

Do you mind significant others eating food from your plate?

21 December 2024 @ 5:46 pm

Light hearted before anyone gets upset I’m depriving my missus of food! Picture the scene….take away night, ask the missus if she wants anything, get the usual no thank you as she’s not into take aways (she’s into running so calorie counts etc). Unpack everything and she’s stealing food from everyone’s plate, including mine! Am I on my own in being annoyed by this ? (In a self reflective “I know I’m a twat sort of way”) I don’t share food!!! Boils my urine it really does. P.S without the risk of sounding a complete obsessive food preserving twonk, I always order extra so there’s some if she wants it. Just don’t steal from my fucking plate!!! 😂 submitted by /u/Sh0D10N to r/AskUK