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MintPress News is an independent watchdog journalism organization that supports activists.

UK Halts Arms Exports to Israel but Targets Pro-Palestine Voices at Home

6 September 2024 @ 12:08 pm

While suspending arms licenses to Israel, the UK government pursues legal actions against outspoken critics of its foreign policy, including journalists and activists who face terrorism charges. The post UK Halts Arms Exports to Israel but Targets Pro-Palestine Voices at Home appeared first on MintPress News.

Western Crackdowns Target Journalists and Activists Critical of Israel

5 September 2024 @ 9:01 pm

With the arrest of journalists and activists in the UK and U.S., Western governments are sending a message to critics of Israel’s Gaza policy: dissent will not be tolerated. The post Western Crackdowns Target Journalists and Activists Critical of Israel appeared first on MintPress News.

Operation Summer Camps: Israel’s Largest West Bank Assault in Two Decades Sparks Fears of Annexation

5 September 2024 @ 1:13 pm

As Israeli forces target refugee camps and civilian infrastructure, fears grow that this military campaign is setting the stage for the de jure annexation of the West Bank. The post Operation Summer Camps: Israel’s Largest West Bank Assault in Two Decades Sparks Fears of Annexation appeared first on MintPress News.

Exposed: The US and Canadian Funding Behind Israeli Soldiers Accused of Rape

5 September 2024 @ 10:27 am

MintPress uncovers the troubling role of US and Canadian donors in backing Israeli soldiers accused of raping and torturing Palestinian detainees, spotlighting the international reach of financial support for human rights violations. The post Exposed: The US and Canadian Funding Behind Israeli Soldiers Accused of Rape appeared first on MintPress News.

Gaza’s Children Face Extermination Amid Bombings, Disease and Famine

4 September 2024 @ 1:43 pm

Over 16,480 children have died, and thousands more face starvation as Israel’s relentless assault continues. Gaza’s children need protection, not a war designed to erase their future. The post Gaza’s Children Face Extermination Amid Bombings, Disease and Famine appeared first on MintPress News.

A War Crime America Tried to Forget: Haditha Massacre with Marine Lawyer Haytham Faraj

4 September 2024 @ 12:46 pm

Retired Marine Corps officer and military lawyer Haaytham Faraj joins State of Play to discuss the Haditha Massacre, U.S. war crimes, and the culture of cover-ups. The post A War Crime America Tried to Forget: Haditha Massacre with Marine Lawyer Haytham Faraj appeared first on MintPress News.

Leaked: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia

24 August 2024 @ 1:30 pm

Leaked documents obtained by MintPress News make clear that the CIA-backed NED is preparing to pull off another coup in Jakarta under the aegis of “democracy promotion.” The post Leaked: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia appeared first on MintPress News.

Private Wars: From Gaza to Venezuela, Erik Prince Plots His Next Move

23 August 2024 @ 1:05 pm

With ties to conflict zones worldwide, Erik Prince’s latest video sparks concerns of a mercenary intervention in Venezuela, backed by US interests. The post Private Wars: From Gaza to Venezuela, Erik Prince Plots His Next Move appeared first on MintPress News.

From Fight the Power to Work for It: Chuck D, Public Enemy and How the CIA Neutralized Rap

22 August 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Chuck D has made a full transition from “Fight the Power” to “work with the power.” MintPress News explores this new venture that fuses together YouTube, popular musicians, and the U.S. national security state. The post From Fight the Power to Work for It: Chuck D, Public Enemy and How the CIA Neutralized Rap appeared first on MintPress News.

Israel’s Secret Scheme to Skirt US Laws and Influence American Politics

22 August 2024 @ 2:59 pm

Leaked documents reveal how Israeli officials sought legal loopholes to avoid FARA registration while pushing anti-constitutional legislation in the U.S. The post Israel’s Secret Scheme to Skirt US Laws and Influence American Politics appeared first on MintPress News.