Disillusioned with MSM news (fiction).
Gareth Icke Tonight with Iain Davis
13 December 2024 @ 1:13 pm
I was delighted to be invited on to Gareth Icke Tonight to discuss the vital imp
Exploiting Children’s Mental Health – Rick Munn Interviews Iain Davis
6 December 2024 @ 1:22 pm
Following the Australian governments decision to impose a ban on accessing social media for under 16's (on the basis that it would protect them from harm and male
What is Technocracy?
4 November 2024 @ 2:44 pm
Most people who have heard of "Technocracy" think it refers to technocratic governance: a sociopolitical system where qualified experts or "technocrats," rather than politicians, set policy. Due to disillusionment and widespread disinterest in so-called representative democracy, many people are open to the potential benefits of what they imagine Technocracy to be.
Certainly, all governments are enthusiastic supporters of Technocracy. The global commitment to Sustainable Development is a plan to rollout Technocracy. Unfortunately, Technocracy is the most oppressive, dictatorial system of social control ever devised. Which undoubtedly explains
The Parasite Class
8 October 2024 @ 11:31 am
I deplore the blame game, so often used to divert attention from the real issue or problem. I rail against the fake binaries deliberately created to divide and rule us, and yet, in this article, I refer to billionaire oligarchs---and their establishment---as “the parasite class.” Please bear with me, I will attempt to explain this apparent hypocrisy.
A current internet search on the term “oligarchy” will repeatedly try to convince you that oligarchy relates specifically to Russia. This is complete rubbish.
An oligarch is someone who has amassed immense wealth and converted it into political and social a
The Dark Enlightenment
6 October 2024 @ 9:46 am
In this article we are going to explore "accelerationism" and its roots in "the Dark Enlightenment." We need to do this because, surprisingly, a commitment to accelerationism---following the philosophical path laid by the Dark Enlightenment---is a powerful influence on both the left and the right of the political spectrum. In order to examine these ideas, we need to pick apart some pretty impenetrable texts, and this won't be easy. So, if you are ready to start wrestling with some quite alien and seemingly bizarre concepts, read on.
The term "accelerationism" first mentioned in the 1967 sci-fi novel Lord of Light by Roger Zelanzy, was regularly applied in economics during the mid-1970s. It has
The Real Reasons for Civil Unrest in the UK
16 September 2024 @ 3:18 pm
When three little girls were reportedly murdered by a 17-year-old youth from a first-generation migrant family, long-simmering resentments against the perceived "outsiders" led a small minority in the Southport to snap. They were joined by organised agent provocateurs, bussed in from the surrounding areas. Not surprisingly, the Southport residents' volatile reaction triggered unrest in similar communities across the UK.
There is no excuse for violence. The ethnicity of the suspected murderer or their immigration status did not justify the ensuing disorder. But to claim that this reported tragedy, racism and bigotry were the only "causes" of the UK-wide upheaval, while neglecting the decades of structural economic and political oppression foisted upon the