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Private Key recovery
22 January 2025 @ 2:22 am
How do I find my private Key Password in Windows 11. I do not remember assigning a Password to Private Key, This is a new HP Laptop I received for Christmas 2024. I am now getting familiar with it. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
Why am I getting "broken pipe" errors in my remote backup scripts after years of stable operation?
22 January 2025 @ 1:43 am
I have the following setup:
loon: System76 laptop running Pop OS 22.04 at home.
acme: Raspberry Pi running at another residence.
Both residences use ISP-provided modems.
I wrote some scripts using rsync to do backups from loon to acme. This has been running without incident for six years, between the same two locations (and with different Pop OS versions on loon).
In the last few weeks, rsync operations have been failing with broken pipe messages. Trying to simplify, I established that rsync is not the problem, but transfers through ssh seem to be the problem. I established that using this command on loon:
tar cf - SOME_DIR | ssh root@acme tar xf -
This seems to work consistently with streams under 10MB. A 78MB stream that I tested with fails about half the time. I have used strace to determine that a write operation issued by tar cf (running on loon, the client), experiences a SIGPIPE
Showing a specific day on google sheets for covers
22 January 2025 @ 1:22 am
I need help preparing a spreadsheet for our school team of 8 coworkers. I want to create a sheet that displays everyone's timetables side by side for a given day. This will make it easier to find coverage when someone is sick. Currently, my supervisor has to look at 9 different papers, which is challenging, especially since we find out about absences between 6-7 am and need to arrange cover by 8 am.
My supervisor uses a Google Doc for each coworker’s schedule, with some cells merged. We’d like to keep this format to minimize changes. I’ve copied each schedule into one sheet (one per coworker). If the timetable changes, we can easily copy and paste the updates from the Google Doc.
The idea is to use the main sheet to display schedules for a selected day by choosing from a dropdown in cell A1 (merged for better visibility). I’ve figured out how to display the information for a specific coworker and day (e.g., Main, Lika, Monday) using the dropdown feature.
What is a "good" way to back up my data?
22 January 2025 @ 1:02 am
I make music, art, and writings. My pictures are backed up on a hard disk and also on Google (multiple accounts). My music and art is backed up on a variety of websites and cloud services, my writings are backed up with Syncthing on multiple devices and then again on github (the ones that do not include private details). All my non-suitable-to-public data is archived either in a password protected folder or on external drives. I would like to streamline a little bit.
My ultimate solution would be multiple NAS devices at my relatives houses that would sync up overnight to store everything, at least a NAS at home with a cloud backup solution.
However, would it be equally reasonable just to use a cloud service to back stuff up? I'm incredible organized so I really only need maybe half a terabyte for the vitals, but could see myself using 10 tb over the next decade.
how to extract filtered data from excel?
22 January 2025 @ 12:51 am
I want to save into a file (CSV or a simple text file) a selection of cells filtered.
if I try my code or some other code it takes also the cells unfiltered.
is it possible ?
Sub EstraiTabellaInFileTesto()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim testo As String
Dim percorsoFile As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim fileTesto As Object
' Imposta il foglio attivo
Set ws = ActiveSheet
' Chiedi all'utente di selezionare l'intervallo
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = Application.InputBox("Seleziona l'intervallo di celle da esportare:", Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If rng Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Operazione annullata.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
' Chiedi il percorso del file di testo
percorsoFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(FileFilter:="File di testo (*.txt), *.txt")
If percorsoFile = "Falso" Then
Deploying Redis Cluster on Kubernetes with Operator Pattern: Master and Slave Deployment Strategy
22 January 2025 @ 12:19 am
I'm planning to deploy a Redis cluster on Kubernetes using the operator pattern. Here's my current approach:
Master Deployment:
Redis master instances will be deployed using a single master Deployment.
This allows me to scale the master Deployment horizontally using an HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler). The reason for using an HPA is to handle scaling based on CPU load effectively.
Slave Deployment:
Redis slave instances will be deployed using a separate slave Deployment.
My reasoning is that slaves might face memory issues, so I want to enable HPA only for the slave Deployment.
Here's my question:
Should I manage the slaves in a single Deployment or create one Deployment per master instance? For example, if my custom resource definition (CRD) spec is:
master: 2
replicas: 1
This means:
1 master Deployment with replicas: 2.
UltraVNC server and client pair sending unknown server message types: 173, 13, and 7
21 January 2025 @ 11:56 pm
I am trying to write a VNC proxy application that amongst other things records the RFB traffic passing between a VNC server and client to an FBS file. When the server and client are both UltraVNC version there are four messages sent which are not listed in the RFB spec with IDs of 173, 13, and 7.
Wireshark trace showing unknown server message type
First instance of message 173
Message 13
Second instance of 173
How can I combine two File Explorer windows into one without using drag and drop?
21 January 2025 @ 11:43 pm
I use Windows 11 24H2 Pro's File Explorer. I have opened 2 File Explorer windows. How can I combine them into a single File Explorer window without using drag and drop? The single window would contain all the tabs that each of the two File Explorer windows contain.
How to make Chrome 132+ stop nagging about security on localhost?
21 January 2025 @ 11:07 pm
I just downloaded Chrome portable 132 and the "flags" that were available are now missing.
I know the certificate for localhost is "self-signed".
No, I don't care, I'm not hacking or spying on myself.
Testing locally before deploying to a live server will never become obsolete.
No, previous threads are no longer valid as the referenced flags are, obviously, missing.
How do I make Chrome 132 stop nagging about localhost not being "secure?"
Is there a way in macOS to get a full recursive directory listing from an SMB share all at once, without explicitly walking all directories?
21 January 2025 @ 11:01 pm
The included macOS smbutil command doesn't seem to have such a capability. Perhaps smbclient can do this, but that command doesn't seem to be available for macOS (at least I can't brew install it).
My current hack is to depend on also having an ssh connection to my file server (something I hate to depend on) and parsing the results of a remotely-executed command. This is WAY faster (~1 second vs. ~90 seconds) than reading the top directory of a mounted SBM share, reading all of its sub-directories, then the sub-sub-directories, etc.
I'm hoping to be able to accomplish something with similarly fast performance which relies on nothing more than the SMB protocol and and existing mounted SMB share.
I'm working in TypeScript/NodeJS, so I'd prefer something I can access without dealing with native macOS code if I can avoid that.