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The news the mainstream fail to report.

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Keeping you safe from the people that keep you safe.

Do You Have Nuisance Neighbours?

5 March 2025 @ 1:02 pm

I’m currently working on ways to help people dealing with nuisance neighbours. If you have experienced harassment, threats, intimidation, noise nuisance, anti-social behaviour, or trespass from neighbours – whether residential or business – and have reported it to the police or local authority, I want to hear about it. You can share your story in […]

The TRUE Crimes of Insp. Charles Ehikioya

27 February 2025 @ 4:58 am

In April 2023, eight Metropolitan Police officers were found guilty of gross misconduct, five of whom were dismissed. They had all been members of a WhatsApp group known as ‘Secret Squirrel Shit’, which specialised in the sharing of ‘discriminatory and offensive’ messages. One of the officers involved, PC Carlo Francisco, was the catalyst for the […]

‘COPPER STOPPER’ is finally here!

5 December 2024 @ 2:39 pm

Copper Stopper is now available in paperback for just £28, including free UK postage. Officially, it is scheduled for launch in January 2025, but unofficially, stock is available exclusively from the publisher’s website, for Crimebodge readers.     What is Copper Stopper? In short, it’s a comprehensive guide for non-lawyers on how to protect yourself […]

All forces Legal Department email addresses

9 July 2024 @ 3:20 am

If you intend to sue the police as a Litigant in Person (where you represent yourself), you must ensure that you send your Letter of Claim and any follow-up legal papers to the correct department. Select your relevant force from the list below. Do not use these email addresses to make complaints. A list of […]

All forces FOI email addresses

8 July 2024 @ 5:23 pm

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000, provides the public with the right to access information held by public authorities. FOI aims to promote transparency and accountability by allowing individuals to request and receive information about the activities and decisions of governmental bodies, including the police. Police Force FOI Email Address Avon and Somerset Constabulary […]

All forces subject access email addresses

14 June 2024 @ 4:18 am

Subject access, under the GDPR and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018, provides individuals with the right to access personal data held about them by organisations. This right enables individuals to obtain confirmation that their data is being processed, access the data itself, and receive supplementary information about how and why their data is being […]

All forces Police Complaint email addresses

26 May 2024 @ 7:07 am

These are the official complaint department email addresses of every police force in England and Wales. It is vital, when making a complaint, that you send it directly to the professional standards department of the relevant force. This will prevent it from being mishandled by standard rank-and-file officers. It also overcomes the danger of using […]

Update on Copper Stopper and CB

26 May 2024 @ 5:10 am

Regular readers of this website and viewers of my YouTube channel may have noticed my extended absence. This has been due to my full-time commitment of completing “Copper Stopper,” a project I have been working on for the past two and a half years. As a result, I have had no time to upload videos […]

Have the ICO got it in for the deaf?

29 August 2022 @ 11:14 pm

The ignorance some organisations have towards data protection is breathtaking. Too many of them see it as nothing more than a blanket excuse to stonewall customers from accessing their own personal information. This is where the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) are supposed to come in. Part of their function is to help the public overcome […]

Crimebodge is 10 years old!

18 August 2022 @ 4:05 pm

When I first embarked on this endevour I had no intention of it being long term. I needed some way to vent my frustration at the police’s vile attempt to ruin my life and writing was all I was good at. If you haven’t read my origin story, then take a look as it explains […]

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Anime on demand.

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Another alternative to the censorship of YouTube.

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Another upstart to take away the YouTube monopoly of audience and manipulation.

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Stream to multiple platforms, including the censored ones.

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Gaming (General) TV platform with sub par standards/players.

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Video sharing that may not be allowed (censored) on youtube.

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Banned videos that they (among us) don’t want you to see. Banned from the mainstream (censored) platforms.

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Less censorship more entertainment. Alternative YouTube.