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Nifty Corners Cube

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Nifty Corners Cube


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Random snippets of all sorts of code, mixed with a selection of help and advice.

How can I deploy a Go-based WebRTC application on AWS?

22 January 2025 @ 5:55 am

i have deevlope a application for video media recording "github.com/pion/webrtc/v3/pkg/media/ivfwriter" now i m trying to deploy with aws network load balancer and application load balancer whith private subnet if any can give any suggestion will be great

Why mock method is always returning false?

22 January 2025 @ 5:53 am

I have a validator class like following: public class DeleteRoleCommandValidator : AbstractValidator<DeleteRoleCommand> { private readonly IGenericMongoDbRepository _repository; public DeleteRoleCommandValidator(IGenericMongoDbRepository repository) { _repository = repository; RuleFor(x => x.Id).NotNull().NotEmpty(); RuleFor(x => x.Id) .MustAsync(BeAnExistingRole) .WithMessage($"{nameof(Role)}: {nameof(DeleteRoleCommand.Id)} does not exist.") .When(x => !x.Id.IsNullOrBlank()); RuleFor(x => x.Id) .MustAsync(NotHaveUsersForRole) .WithMessage($"{nameof(Role)}: {nameof(DeleteRoleCommand.Id)} has users.") .When(x => !x.Id.IsNullOrBlank()); } private async Task<bool> BeAnExistingRole(string id, CancellationToken token) { var result = await _repository.Exists([DataFilter<Role>.Build(x =&

After update from 0.74.5 to 0.76.6, my App is still running Paper on iOS. Android works fine with Fabric

22 January 2025 @ 5:51 am

Been dealing with this issue for a couple of weeks and I'm going crazy!! After updating my App to 0.76.6 following the guide on Upgrade Helper, my app started almost immediately in Android, YEY! However, after running RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 bundle exec pod install, the iOs App still runs on Paper renderer, and many of the Native modules fails to loading, and thus, the app is not working... How I know Android is working with Fabric and iOs not? Added this on my App.tsx entry point file const uiManager = global?.nativeFabricUIManager ? 'Fabric' : 'Paper' console.log(\`Using ${uiManager} on ${isIOS() ? 'ios' : 'android'}\`) iOs output: LOG Running "MySaddApp" with {"rootTag":1,"initialProps":{}} Using Paper on ios Android output: (NOBRIDGE) LOG Running "MySadApp" with {"rootTag":21,"initialProps":{},&quo

Want to execute all test cases n times in Cypress

22 January 2025 @ 5:48 am

I am a beginner in Cypress. I use Cypress with javascript to perform automation testing. Question: How can I iterate all it blocks n times? Description: In a JSON file, one key has an array including names of different profiles. I have one spec file, in which I have multiple it() blocks. Now I want to run my spec file for all profiles available in a key. For that, I tried below solution: TestData.JSON { "test": { "customerAccountName": "RD test R97 01 new", "userRole": "Customer Admin", "profiles": ["Generic SIP Service", "Genesys PureCloud"], "profile": "", "serviceCarrier": "", "isCarriage": "", "type": "", "blockSize": "" } "stage": { "customerAccountName": &q

Vagrantfile vm.provider block executes multiple times

22 January 2025 @ 5:45 am

I started on Vagrant a couple of days ago. I was experimenting when I used this file: # d:\test\Vagrantfile Vagrant.require_version ">= 2.4.3" Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |provider_cfg| provider_cfg.name = "[Vagrant] Test Name" provider_cfg.cpus = 1 puts "TEST" end config.vm.box = "bento/debian-12.6" end When I do vagrant up the first time, TEST is displayed 7 times; vagrant halt the first time, TEST is displayed 5 times. All subsequent up and halt display TEST 5 times each. # d:\test\Vagrantfile Vagrant.require_version ">= 2.4.3" Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |provider_cfg, override_cfg| override_cfg.vm.box = "bento/debian-12.6" provider_cfg.na

Pandas merge dataframes over multiple columns and split rows

22 January 2025 @ 5:44 am

I have two datafames: df1 = pd.DataFrame({ 'from': [0, 2, 8, 26, 35, 46], 'to': [2, 8, 26, 35, 46, 48], 'int': [2, 6, 18, 9, 11, 2]}) df2 = pd.DataFrame({ 'from': [0, 2, 8, 17, 34], 'to': [2, 8, 17, 34, 49], 'int': [2, 6, 9, 17, 15]}) I want to create a new dataframe that looks like this: df = pd.DataFrame({ 'from': [0, 2, 8, 17, 26, 34, 35, 46, 48], 'to': [2, 8, 17, 26, 34, 35, 46, 48, 49], 'int': [2, 6, 9, 9, 8, 1, 11, 2, 1]}) I have tried standard merging scripts but not able to split the rows containing a higher 'from' and 'to' numbers in either df1 or df2 into smaller ones. Looking for some direction here. Thanks in advance!

Fastlane - No certificate for team 'XXXXXX' matching 'Apple Distribution: COMPANY_NAME (XXXXXX)'

22 January 2025 @ 5:44 am

I am new in implementing fastlane with guthub actions and tried to make the ios build automate. Steps which I followed. Github Actions - (Repo checkout, Flutter setup, Import Certificates in keychain, Copy provision profiles in corresponding directory, trigger fastlane). Fastlane Actions - (Login, fetch latest build number, increment build number, build app, upload to testflight) Note: I haven't used fastlane match action, Trying to achieve without match. Issue: Triggered github workflow action, then getting error in Fastfile 'build_app' action. Clean Succeeded, ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** Error: No certificate for team 'XXXXX' matching 'Apple Distribution: COMPANY_NAME (XXXXX)' found: Select a different signing certificate for CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY, a team that matches your selected certificate, or switch to automatic provisioning. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner') Fastlane code:

How to Get Shareable Link for a Google Calendar I Own via Apps Script

22 January 2025 @ 5:44 am

I am composing emails to send out (using html format) and I want to include a google calendar shareable link (I own the google calendar). So far I have: year = 2025; var idlink = CalendarApp.getCalendarsByName(year + " Practices")[0].getId() but I'm not sure how to get a shareable link from here or if that's even the right route to go. The html aspect of this question is kind of irrelevant, just including it for context, but I'm asking more generally if CalendarApp has a function to retrieve a calendar's shareable link.

Optimize React-Icons Package Size in Vite + SWC React Project to Improve Initial Load Time

22 January 2025 @ 5:39 am

I'm building a project using Vite with SWC React, and I'm using the react-icons library for icons. However, the size of the react-icons package is about 25MB, which is significantly impacting the initial load time of my app. enter image description here However, it seems like the entire react-icons package is being bundled regardless of what I use. Is there a way to tree-shake or optimize the package so only the icons I actually use are included in the final bundle? Or should I consider an alternative approach or library? Any suggestions to reduce the bundle size and improve performance would be greatly appreciated! vite.config.js import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ react() ], optimizeDeps: { include: ['js-c

Undo drop in nz-zorro tree

22 January 2025 @ 5:38 am

I have following code for the tree. HTML: <nz-tree [nzTreeTemplate]="nzTreeTemplate" (nzOnDrop)="onNzOnDrop($event)" [nzData]="nodes" nzDraggable> </nz-tree> <ng-template #nzTreeTemplate let-node> ... </ng-template> Component: onNzOnDrop($event: NzFormatEmitEvent) { [doing something that causes error] [revert the drop] } How to undo the drop in this case? Thank you.


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CSS Grid System layout guide

IconPot .com

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Totally free icons


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Interface elements for jQuery


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WordPress Themes, HTML Templates.


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