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html5 grid framework similar to bootstrap.

The Amazon Effect and How Retailers Can Slay the Beast

9 June 2017 @ 7:00 pm

Evil Amazon LogoThe past year has been brutal for retailers, with many respected brands closing stores or shutting down completely. Traditional retailers like Sears, Kmart, JCPenny and Macy’s are struggling to find footing and losing customers. It’s not as if this wasn’t expected- Amazon has been disrupting the world of retail the last twenty years by driving online shopping growth and creating record breaking revenue. People call it The Amazon Effect. But is this Amazon Effect real? Or is it just the natural turnover of poorly performing companies? According to the Census Bureau, retail spending as a whole is up 5% year over year, and up 17% in the last five years. The ACSI also says there is a rise in how people feel about ret

How Design Insights Transformed Foundation Building Blocks

26 May 2017 @ 9:00 pm

Foundation started out as an internal tool to help our team build cutting edge applications for our clients more quickly. Little did we know, it would blow up to be one of the most popular open source projects ever, accelerate the adoption of responsive web design, and power hundreds of thousands of brands all across the world. We're proud that Foundation has become a leading voice helping shape where the web is heading. However, through our constant conversations with students, the community, and

The New Foundation Docs: Learn Your Way

17 May 2017 @ 7:00 pm

Whether for internal use or for an open-source project, most programmers hate writing technical documentation. Not just dislike, hate. They hate it. And because they hate it, it usually isn't very good. It can be hard to follow and incomplete, which is irritating to experienced devs and causes panic attacks for newbies just trying to learn something. RTFM, or Read the F@$%& Manual, is an expression commonly thrown at people trying to learn some new coding language or technology, but how can they if nobody wants to WriteTFM? But even if a developer or team wants to create good documentation, it will inevitably fall short because not everyone learns best through reading. Many people are visual learners, and even more learn best through the act of doing.

Foundation Building Blocks: Over 100 Components to Jump Start Your Projects

13 April 2017 @ 5:00 pm

The Foundation team has cut your development time in half again. Today we're thrilled to share Foundation Building Blocks with you- a comprehensive, open-source library of coded UI components you can drop into any standard Foundation project to give yourself a massive head start in your projects. Hundreds of Coded UI Components for Your Foundation Projects The Foundation Building Blocks library has been rebuilt from the ground up with over 100 code snippets in six categories including Navigation, Status, Control, Media, Containers and Form components. Built by the ZURB team, these are the most common and useful design patterns and UI components we've found in our two decades of web development work. Just browse the library, select the Building Block you need, and copy and paste the code into your pr

Foundation & CSS Grid: Think Beyond the Page

13 March 2017 @ 11:55 pm

There's a revolution happening right now. The way we think about and design websites is going to change again. Old conventions and methods are being replaced by exciting new technologies that open up entirely new ways to design and build the web. And they're available today. Out With the Old Most early websites in the 90’s were little more than digital brochures, which makes sense since the web was born from the world of print. Our options as web designers for laying out content fell short of what was available to print designers for many years. Slowly but surely, our tools got better and we discovered new methods and techniques that allowed us to do some incredible things. The web came into its own, but the world of print still exerts its influence on the way many designers think. To this day we still call web files “documents,” arrange our content in “pages,” and try to fit the experience of users into sitemaps.

17 Web Design Trends That Will Take Over 2017

10 March 2017 @ 8:00 pm

Designers working on web projects in 2017, in some ways, face more challenges than ever before. They have to create engaging websites, apps, and services that work seamlessly across all devices and work for a global audience at a pace that seems to speed up every year. That audience too is more tech savvy, have higher expectations and are more design literate than ever before and expect near perfection. Faced with these challenges, it's more important than ever for designers to be aware of emerging trends, solutions and patterns that can help them solve common issues, capture the full attention of their audiences, and deliver amazing experiences. Here at ZURB, we've helped hundreds of companies surface the best solutions and take advantage of new patterns in their websites and products. We've created this list of 17 design and development trends we think every designer should be

What's Underneath Matters: How MeUndies Increased Mobile Conversion by 40%

2 March 2017 @ 5:01 pm

Did you know that most men own at least one pair of underwear that's over 7 years old? We didn't' and we sort of wish that realization stayed hidden from us, to be honest. MeUndies, a company leading the movement in underwear innovation by providing comfortable everyday basics and a transparent shopping experience, gave us this fact. They recently started using Foundation on their site in an effort to boost their mobile sales, which constitutes most of their traffic and we wanted to share their story. After 7 years, it was time for MeUndies to change their site's underwear, which is to say their code. See, the MeUndies site was beginning to boom on mobile, but they were losing sales by not optimizing the experience and ease of use for those mobile users. The team began to put their heads together and started exploring solutions.

Design for Proximity, Not for Clicks

17 January 2017 @ 7:00 pm

Remember when the web was a collection of static websites, largely HTML, no CSS, and layout done with tables and frames? How about even farther back ' when your choice of mediums for design were print, film, industrial, and maybe even radio? What about the aforementioned mediums is consistent? They were all linear. That meant we could think about things going from A-Z and stop there. Even when we got digital interfaces (enter HTML), we continued to think of interfaces as static screens for decades. It made things simple, and we put our focus into cutting the amounts of clicks on that trail to get people to the end faster. The data even seemed to prove it, with more clicks equaling 'bad' and less clicks equaling 'good.' This especially seemed to ring true in the eCommerce world where it's been accepted that the more hoops you make your user go through to buy something, the less sales you'll see. It was estimated that

Bring Your Page to Life with Reactive Animations

12 January 2017 @ 6:30 pm

GIF of Reactive ListenerThe explosion of native mobile apps this decade put a spotlight on human centered design. Apple's iPhone and iOS were breakthroughs in part because of the way they used design to mimic humans and appeal to emotion. How good a design looks now plays second fiddle to the way it feels. New terms like 'microinteractions' and 'reactive animations' have been thrust into the designer's vernacular. It's a new era of design, the 'Experience Era.' While mobile has been killin' it in this area, desktop experiences have still felt cl

Design or Get Off the Pot

27 December 2016 @ 8:31 pm

Designers, it's time to elevate our game or get off the pot. Yes, I'm telling designers to step up. Because I'm not seeing it happen. What I see now are scared designers afraid to make decisions on behalf of their organizations. Creators and craftsmen struggling to tell other people what works best, and it's putting their own future along with their organization's in jeopardy. Everyone wants the benefits that come along with authority and influence, but most don't want what inevitably follows: the responsibility of decision making. Making decisions all day requires tremendous amounts of mental energy. Sometimes it's not fun and it can be scary. These feelings, combined with impostor syndrome, put doubt into the heads of

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Web design gallery with handy tips and guide lines.

How to Setup your Desk as a Programmer

5 April 2021 @ 7:12 pm

As a programmer, your desk is the platform to everything you do. Every line of code you write, CSS you minify or updates you push out is done right there. See how to set up your desk for maximum productivity.

The Ultimate Guide to Office Color Psychology

20 January 2020 @ 10:08 pm

Skillful use of colors in the office can boost your productivity, health, and even happiness. Learn all about color psychology in this article.

3D Web Design- The New Frontier for Web Design

17 March 2019 @ 9:35 am

This post explores the emerging popularity of 3D for creating highly interactive web sites.

Best Developer Frontend Courses

8 November 2018 @ 1:49 am

See the best, most relevant frontend courses online to take to succeed as a frontend developer in 2019 and beyond.

Flex Cards Accordion script

29 August 2018 @ 9:21 pm

jQuery script that uses CSS flexbox to create cards that when clicked on expands to show copious amount of information in a compact, manageable manner.

8 Hand and Wrist Exercises for Computer Users

17 August 2018 @ 7:56 pm

Good exercises for web designers and programmers, which are at higher risk of developing carpal tunnel or RSI injuries.

Ken Burns Image Slideshow

12 July 2018 @ 10:02 pm

This image slideshow adds an awesome Ken Burns effect that brings each image to life during transition

Smooth Scrolling HTML Bookmarks using JavaScript

18 April 2018 @ 12:07 am

See how to use native JavaScript to create smooth scrolling HTML bookmark links inside the page, and for those that need legacy browser support, using jQuery instead.

How to Add a CSS and JavaScript Sticky Menu to Your Site

22 March 2018 @ 10:34 pm

See the two ways to add a sticky horizontal menu to your site, plus 7 beautiful examples of this pattern out in the wild.

Best WordPress Theme Clubs for Unlimited Sites

15 March 2018 @ 10:37 pm

Review and comparison of the best Wordpress theme clubs for unlimited domains.

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Ajax, JavaScript, PHP,, jQuery – Expert Resources and Tutorials

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Useful snippets of javascript for designers in jquery

Simple use of Event Delegation

14 June 2011 @ 12:00 pm

Event delegation may be some techie term that you’d rather shy away from, but if you’ve not already used it, this example will show you a simple but powerful use of event delegation. Watch Watch Simple Event Delegation (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately 22Mb, flash version is streaming. View the demo used in [...]

Populate Select Boxes

11 February 2011 @ 12:00 pm

It’s the age old (well, in webby terms) issue of how to populate one select box based on another’s selection. It’s actually quite easy compared with the bad old days, and incredibly easy with jQuery and a dash of Ajax. Watch Watch Populate Select Boxes screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately 60Mb, flash [...]

Scroll Linked Navigation

18 August 2010 @ 2:52 pm

There are a few websites I’ve seen lately that have a left hand navigation automatically updates it’s selection based on where you’ve scrolled to on the page. This tutorial will show you exactly how to achieve just that. Watch Watch Scroll Linked Navigation screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately 50Mb, flash version is [...]

Debugging Tools

7 July 2010 @ 9:37 am

Most of us have to make our web pages work in The Big Five browsers, so I thought it was about time I introduce you to the debugging tools for each of those browsers with a couple of tips thrown in to the mix. Watch Watch Debuggers screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately [...]

Enabling the Back Button

19 April 2010 @ 12:00 pm

As we build more and more Ajaxy applications, and our apps reside on a single page, the browser’s native back button can get more and more broken. This episode will show you how to re-enable the back button on your apps. Watch Watch Enabling the Back Button screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately [...]

J4D update: My Book, Other Books, Workshops and talks

9 March 2010 @ 1:00 pm

It’s been a while since I’ve been in touch, so I wanted to let you know what’s going on in the jQuery for Designers world, what to look out for and what’s coming next. A personal update I realise I’ve neglected you again (there was a similar dip back in Feb 2009: I see a [...]

Adding Keyboard Navigation

12 January 2010 @ 12:44 pm

I was recently asked how keyboard navigation could be supported to move a slider backwards and forwards. I’ve created a few tutorials on how to create sliders and carousels but not mentioned keyboard supported navigation yet. Watch Watch Adding Keyboard Navigation screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately 28Mb, flash version is streaming. View [...]

Fixed Floating Elements

23 October 2009 @ 1:17 pm

On visiting Apple’s web site an putting items in my shopping basket, I noticed (an old effect) where the shopping basket would follow me down the page. We’ll look at how to replicate the fixed floating sidebars or elements with very little jQuery. Watch Watch jQuery Fixed Floating Elements screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version [...]

Want to learn more about JavaScript? Go Full Frontal!

29 September 2009 @ 3:45 pm

I’m sure you’re familiar with a bit of JavaScript now that you’ve subscribed to my screencasts and hacked and played around with jQuery. Earlier this year I decided that it was time there was a UK conference dedicated to learning JavaScript, and I called it Full Frontal. The conference is a one day event talking [...]

iPhone-like Sliding Headers

10 September 2009 @ 3:54 pm

The iPhone has a few unique UI features, one in particular are the static headings when you’re scrolling through a list, so you know the context of the content. We’ll see how to create this effect using jQuery. Watch Watch iPhone-like Sliding Headers screencast (Alternative flash version) QuickTime version is approximately 68Mb, flash version is [...]

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Specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code, within some context, and debug the code collaboratively.

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A playground for web developers, use it as an online editor for snippets built from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc.

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Everything you need to know about HTML5 Canvas by providing structured tutorials and creative labs.

Continuous Data Protection Explained: Benefits and Uses

14 July 2024 @ 3:21 pm

Nowadays, data is widely accepted as a fundamental unit that businesses and organizations hold. The availability, integrity, and recoverability of data have become crucial. Modern enterprises need more traditional backup methods, though effective, and have trouble meeting the strict recovery point objectives (RPOs) that modern enterprises demand. One of the strong solutions, and hence one […]

Fitness App Development Essentials

26 April 2024 @ 5:14 pm

In the rapidly evolving world of health and wellness, fitness applications have become indispensable tools for millions seeking to maintain their physical well-being. The development of a fitness app involves several crucial steps that can determine its success in a competitive market. This guide outlines the key essentials of creating a fitness application that is […]

Empowering Developers: Optimizing Global Money Transfers through Coding Mastery

26 April 2024 @ 1:43 pm

When it comes to locating efficient transportation means for currencies for individual and business purposes, people commonly think about digital payment platforms. Thanks to the advanced financial engineering of companies like Profee, your money transfer to Ukraine or vice versa will be safe and sound. It is a proactive approach to see what’s behind popular […]

The Future of Web Design: How Coding and Webflow Are Revolutionizing Digital Agencies

18 December 2023 @ 6:48 pm

In the ever-evolving world of web design, the emergence of tools like Webflow and the ever-growing importance of coding have marked a new era for digital agencies. The synergy of these two elements is not just reshaping how websites are built but is also redefining the very nature of web design. In this comprehensive exploration, […]

Crafting Tomorrow: The Symbiosis of Content Creation and Artificial Intelligence

14 December 2023 @ 5:38 pm

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming numerous industries, including content creation. As AI capabilities grow, there is tremendous potential for AI and human creators to work symbiotically - each complementing the other's strengths. This symbiosis promises to shape the future of content creation, ushering in new levels of personalization, interactivity, and immersion. […]

The Digital Evolution of Art: From Pixels to Paint and Beyond

6 October 2023 @ 5:04 pm

Over time, art has undergone constant change, reflecting current events, popular culture, and, most importantly, technological development. Historically, the main avenues of expressing creativity have been via conventional art forms, including painting, sculpture, and graphics. However, a recent technical revolution has spawned an artistic process that the globe has witnessed. Electronics, software, and the Internet […]

JavaScript Design Lab: Exploring the Intersection of Art and Code

31 August 2023 @ 6:34 am

In the world of web development, JavaScript has become a powerhouse programming language, enabling developers to create dynamic and interactive web experiences. But JavaScript is not just about functionality and logic; it can also be a tool for artistic expression and creative design. In this article, we delve into the fascinating realm of JavaScript design, […]

Mastering Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP: Unveiling the Power of Code Reusability and Organization

25 August 2023 @ 4:44 pm

In the world of web development, where complexity and functionality continue to evolve, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) stands as a cornerstone for creating organized, efficient, and maintainable code. With PHP being one of the most widely used server-side scripting languages, understanding and harnessing the power of OOP in PHP is essential for modern developers. In this […]

Which Online Marketing Strategies Are Best For Lead Generation?

6 May 2023 @ 4:37 pm

Any business owner will tell you (no matter what industry they are in), lead generation is the biggest ball ache of them all. It’s expensive, it’s time consuming, and it’s frustrating. However, there are far easier and more effective ways of attracting ‘ready to spend’ customers to your cause. If you’ve been struggling and need […]

The List Of Top 6 Cities To Live And Work As A Programmer

22 April 2023 @ 5:19 pm

As the world becomes increasingly digital and technology-focused, programming has become a highly sought-after skill. The demand for programmers has never been higher, and as a result, many cities around the world have established themselves as hubs for tech talent. These towns offer high-paying job opportunities and a luxurious standard of living for programmers. This […]

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dabblet is an interactive playground for quickly testing snippets of CSS and HTML code.

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hex color (colour) picker, close matches and gradient colors

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Clean up dirty code (HTML, JS, CSS) online